Catalog: 1024
CAS: 9003-53-6
Approx Mw 1,200 -
Catalog: 311
CAS: 121961-20-4
Poly(vinylbenzyl chloride)View
Approx Mw 55,000 -
Catalog: 179
CAS: 28210-41-5
Polystyrene sulfonic acidView
Catalog: 915
CAS: 9016-91-5
Polystyrene sulfonate, lithium saltView
Catalog: 1077
CAS: 9004-39-1
Cellulose propionateView
Approx Mw 75,000 [GPC] -
Catalog: 681
CAS: 9003-27-4
Viscosity average Mw 85,000 -
Catalog: 450
CAS: 9003-09-2
Poly(vinyl methyl ether)View
Solution in toluene; Approx Mw 90,000 -
Catalog: 321
CAS: 9004-39-1
Cellulose propionateView
Approx Mw 200,000 [GPC] -
Catalog: 484
CAS: 25322-68-3
Poly(ethylene glycol)View
Approx Mw 200 -
Catalog: 113
CAS: 9003-42-3
Poly(ethyl methacrylate)View
Showing 1 to 10 out of 343