Polystyrene, crosslinked, quaternary ammonium, chloride form
Monomers & Plasticizers
Inhibitor RemoverMonomersPlasticizer Sample KitPlasticizersPolymers
Ion Exchange ResinPolymer Sample KitsPolymersStandardsSecondary StandardsPolystyrene, crosslinked, quaternary ammonium, chloride form
Catalog #: 721Applications | Water conditioning, dealkalization, removing weak and strong acids, organic removal, adsorbing organic color bodies, dissolved silica and carbon dioxide treatment |
CAS# | 63181-94-2 |
Exchange Capacity | 3.8meq/g dry resin |
Max Temp | 77C (chloride form) |
Misc | Macroreticulated spheres 16-50 mesh; 0.50mm effective size |
Moisture Content | 55% |
pH Range | 1 to 14 |
Physical Form | Beads |
Swelling Factor | 21% |